Friday, August 3, 2012

Ross, let's get on with your Insanity workout!

Learning to bare weight on my hands and arms for support.

Check out my head control. I am getting stronger.

Working on my legs and tummy muscles. Oh and did anyone notice I'm signing I have a wet diaper and need changed?

Ok! I can do this hold my head up thing on my own.

So many times I see other parents with their children at the store pushing their shopping carts down the aisles and their baby is holding his or her head up so strong and straight. It makes me wonder if you will ever get to that point. It is scary to dad some times and it makes me sad you are so far behind kids that are half your age. It only lasts for a second though, because I know with hard work and dedication you WILL! Besides that I have faith and I believe in you Ross. We will get there one step at a time. One of the ways we are going to get you there is through your therapy sessions. So once a week you get your visit from your Missouri First Steps physical therapist, Jaci. She really loves to work with you on all of your muscle control and strengthening exercises. You may not realize it yet but she works you or tries to work you hard. Sometimes though your cuteness just wins out and she will give you a break.  Right now we are concentrating our efforts to get you to hold your head up on your own with consistency. Right now you do pretty good holding your head up but you still struggle some. It's ok though as you are getting stronger with each week that passes. Your therapy also consists of core muscles arms and legs. You are improving in each of these areas and are becoming more and more aware of what you can do. Sensory exercises also play a large part in your motor development. You having the ability to feel what things feel like on your hands and feet is important. Knowing that your hands and feet are there to bare weight and support your movements are key to you crawling and eventually being able to walk. I never realized how much physical feelings played in ones ability to crawl or walk but that is why mom and I are involved in all of your therapy sessions. We want to know what we need to be doing for you to help you achieve your goals of movement. This education we get will also allow us to give you daily therapy sessions and progress you even quicker. Ultimately we know that you will hold your head up high, crawl, walk and even run but you will do it when your ready. We will always be supportive my son and most of all no matter what your abilities are we will love you with all of our hearts and celebrate each and every achievement you make.
We love you so much baby boy!


The Shadow Buddies Foundation! Special buddies for special children! 
Profile Picture          Photo: Happy Veteran's Day! We are so thankful for the hard work and dedication of our devoted veterans. Did you know the Shadow Buddies Foundation is working on adding an Amputee Buddy to our Buddy Family? Once it's in production, we hope to deliver these great Buddies to children of wounded veterans. In honor of Veteran's Day, please make a donation on our website ( to help us make this dream a reality!  or 

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